Display of Campaign Materials
Within the 100-foot boundary during Early Voting & Election Day
Candidates may only enter the polling place to vote. They may not campaign while there, and, other than voting, they must not approach nearer than 100 feet to any designated entrance to a polling place. Candidates may enter a polling place after the polls close.
Campaign material may not be displayed nearer than 100 feet to any designated entrance to a polling place except on private property.
T.C.A. 2-7-111(b)(1) provides:
Within the appropriate boundary,…and the building in which the polling place is located, the display of campaign posters, signs, or other campaign materials, distribution of campaign materials, and solicitation of votes for or against any person or political party or position on a question are prohibited. No campaign posters, signs, or other campaign literature may be displayed on or in any building or on the grounds of any building in which a polling place is located.
The Coordinator of Elections, State of Tennessee, believes “the display of” means showing or making something public within the 100-foot boundary. “Campaign materials” encompasses not only the items listed in T.C.A. 2-7-(b), i.e., “Campaign posters, signs or other campaign
materials… or other campaign literature,” but also mean all political paraphernalia, i.e., hats, buttons, pins, cards, tee-shirts and anything else that may be worn or carried for its political message. “Solicitation of votes” includes all verbal and non-verbal campaigns or politicking. Thus, wearing or carrying campaign items constitutes a solicitation of votes and is prohibited.
Therefore, these items must be left outside the 100-foot boundary of a polling place or somehow hidden so that they cannot deliver a political message.