Only eligible voters who reside in the City of Chattanooga Council Districts 6 & 8 may participate

The LAST day to request an absentee ballot is March 29, 2025.

Apply for an Absentee Ballot

The early voting period is Wednesday, March 19, 2025– Thursday, April 3, 2025

View Early Voting Locations and Hours

Voter Registration Guide

One of the goals of the Hamilton County Election Commission is to encourage every eligible citizen to register to vote.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the voter registration procedures.

By Phone: (423) 209-8683
By Fax: (423) 209-8686
By Email:

Register or Change Address  


A: Voter Registration Applications are documents issued by the State of Tennessee and may be used in any county within Tennessee. The Voter Registration Application can be used to:

  • Apply to register to vote,Report a change of address for a voter,
  • Report a name change,
  • Report a change in other information, or
  • Cancel a voter’s registration in another county or state To be Eligible to Register to Vote in Hamilton County, Tennessee all of the following qualifications must be met:
  • You must be a United States citizen,
  • You must be a legal resident of Hamilton County when submitting a voter registration application,
  • You must be 18 years of age or older by the date of the next election,
  • You must not have been convicted of a felony or, if you have such a conviction, have your voting rights restored as required by state law, and *You must submit a properly completed voter registration application at least 30 days before an upcoming election. These qualifications are the same in each county in Tennessee. To register to vote in Hamilton County, one must be a resident of Hamilton County.


A:Voter Registration Deadlines are specific under the law. If the completed forms are hand-delivered (walked in to the office), they must be delivered by the close of business on the 30th day before any upcoming election. A voter registration deadline could be for a federal, state, county or city election. This deadline is state law.

If the forms are mailed – either by the person attempting to register or the person organizing the voter registration drive – the envelope must be postmarked no later than the 30th day before any upcoming election. A form with a postmark of 29 days or less before Election Day would be considered untimely and the individual would not be eligible to participate in the upcoming election.


A: The Hamilton County Election Commission office personnel stamp all documents with the time and date on which they are received. Voter Registration Applications are categorized as “timely” or “untimely” at the time of receipt based on upcoming election deadlines. If a Mail-In Voter Registration Application is untimely, the voter will be notified by mail that their registration was received after the deadline and he/she will not be eligible to vote in the upcoming election. Applications marked untimely for an election will be processed as soon as the election is over. The voter will then be eligible for the next election.

Voter registrations timely filed are processed in the order in which they are received. An applicant’s eligibility to register is determined by the Hamilton County Election Commission office personnel based on state law. (See requirements listed above.) Registrations that have a deficiency, such as a missing or incomplete social security number, a missing signature, etc, will be rejected and the voter notified in writing. Occasionally, registration forms are received in Hamilton County belonging to a neighboring county. Those forms will be forwarded to the appropriate County Election office.


What IDs are acceptable?
Any of the following IDs may be used, even if expired:

  • Tennessee drivers license with your photo
  • United States Passport
  • Photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security
  • Photo ID issued by the federal or any state government
  • United States Military photo ID
  • State-issued handgun carry permit with your photo

What IDs are not acceptable?

  • College student IDs and photo IDs not issued by the federal or a state government are NOT acceptable.

Who is exempt?

  • Voters who vote absentee by mail (view requirements here)
  • Voters who are residents of a licensed nursing home or assisted living center and who vote at the facility • Voters who are hospitalized
  • Voters with a religious objection to being photographed
  • Voters who are indigent and unable to obtain a photo ID without paying a fee

What if I registered by mail and am voting in my first election?

Federal law requires first time voters who register by mail to present one of the following:

  • A current photo identification with voter’s name and photo OR
  • If the photo identification is expired, the voter must also present one of the following: a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document that shows the voter’s name and address.


A: The Hamilton County Election Office has placed mail-in application forms at each U.S. Post Office in our county. Additionally, forms can be found at any City Hall or Public Library. The Department of Safety, Department of Human Services, Military Recruiting Offices, Hamilton County Health Department and the County Clerk’s Office also have forms available during normal business hours.

Register or change your address with our completely online system by CLICKING HERE. Paper registration forms can be found on the Secretary of State's website by CLICKING HERE. You must register at least 30 days before any upcoming election day.


A: Many citizens think voter registration is permanent – once registered, always registered. This is not true. Previously, Tennessee used the term “permanent” on election documents which added to this incorrect belief. The word “permanent” no longer appears on voter registration cards.

Removing Ineligible Voter

Seven (7) reasons a County Election Commission is authorized to remove voters as prescribed by law:

1.      At the request of the voter;

2.        Change of name for more than ninety (90) days for any reason, except by marriage or divorce;

3.      Death of voter;

4.      Felony Conviction;

5.        Move outside the county of registration or Registered in another jurisdiction;

6.         Voter fails to respond to a confirmation notice, does not appear to vote, and does not update his or her voter registration between the time the notice is mailed, and the second November general election held after the notice was sent; These voters shall not be removed within ninety (90) days of any federal primary or general election.

7.        Not a U.S. citizen.

a.    If notified by the coordinator of elections, statutory notice requirements must be provided before removing the voter.

b.    If notified by another government, agency (such as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security), purge the voter and notify the coordinator of elections.