Election Day Polling Places
For a complete list of all Election Day polling places, CLICK HERE.
To cast a ballot, Hamilton County voters must bring valid photo identification. A Tennessee driver's license or photo ID issued by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security, the Tennessee state government, or the federal government is acceptable even if expired. Under Tennessee law, student IDs are not acceptable. For more information about voter ID requirements, visit sos.tn.gov/elections/voter-id-requirements.
Casting your ballot in the midmorning or midafternoon may shorten your time. Early morning, noon, and after 5 p.m. are peak times as people typically vote before, after, or on their lunch breaks. If there is a line to vote, frail, physically disabled, or visibly pregnant voters can request to be moved to the front of the line.
State law requires polling locations and areas within a 100-foot boundary of the designated entrance(s) to remain campaign-free zones. The display or distribution of campaign materials and the solicitation of votes for or against any person, party, or question on the ballot within this area are prohibited. Voters wearing campaign-related clothing or paraphernalia will not be allowed within the 100-foot boundary.
Hamilton County voters are encouraged to report possible voter fraud or misinformation to the Secretary of State’s Division of Elections toll-free at 1-877-850-4959. Persons who make a report of voter fraud that leads to a conviction are eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.