Only eligible voters who reside in the City of Chattanooga Council Districts 6 & 8 may participate

The LAST day to request an absentee ballot is March 29, 2025.

Apply for an Absentee Ballot

The early voting period is Wednesday, March 19, 2025– Thursday, April 3, 2025

View Early Voting Locations and Hours


The Hamilton County Election Commission conducts all City, County, State and Federal elections held within Hamilton County. Election officials are an important part of the electoral process. Democrats, Republicans and Independents are all encouraged to sign up. 

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  • Will I be compensated for my time serving on Election Day?
    Yes. You will receive a stipend, the range is from $135 up to $175 depending on your level of service. You must serve the full Election Day to receive the stipend.
  • Will training be provided?
    Yes. As a poll official, you will attend a required training session and you will be compensated an additional $20 on your stipend when the election is over. You must serve the full Election Day to receive compensation for training.
  • How long will I serve on Election Day?
    You will need to report to your assigned polling location no later than 7:00am Eastern (an hour before the polls open on Election Day). You are required to stay at the polling place until the polls close and all of the election equipment has been properly stored and paperwork completed.      
  • What should I bring with me?
    You should bring food, beverages and any medications you are required to take for the day. You may also bring a book or magazines. 
  • Requirements to serve
    You must be a registered voter in Hamilton County OR at least 16 years old and a resident of Hamilton County.
    You must be willing to commit to serve the full duration on Election Day.
    You must be able to understand and follow written directions.
    You must be willing to attend the training session before each election.
    You must be able to read and write in the English language
    You must NOT be a candidate or close relative of a candidate
    You must NOT be supervised by a county or municipal elected official on the ballot
    You must be willing to be cross-trained and perform multiple duties on Election Day. 

How To Sign up

A) If you have an email address, please complete our online sign up form below for faster service. 


B) If you prefer you can print out the application below and send it to our office by mail.

Send by mail to:
Kristi Berry 
Hamilton County Election Commission
700 River Terminal Road
Chattanooga, TN 37406